Posts Tagged 'Swine Flu'

H1N1-Swine Flu and Faith Communities

H1N1, or the Swine Flu, is already making its presence known weeks before the vaccine is available. While it has not proven to be a more dangerous strain of flu, it is affecting persons not normally considered at primary risk for the flu. There is much fear surrounding this outbreak, and the best way to combat fear is with reliable information.

My friends at have compiled articles related to swine flu and what the faith community can do. There is also a link to the Centers for Disease Control H1N1 site that keeps up-to-date information readily available. Be sure to bookmark Churches Respond to Swine Flu.

Congregations and Pandemics

My friends at have posted an article by Rev. Dr. Gary Gunderson titled “The Role of Worshipping Congregations Amid Pandemic.” Dr. Gunderson is a leading voice in the faith and health movement and offers wonderful insight into the strength of congregations.

Swine Flu and Faith Communities

My friends at have compiled articles related to swine flu and what the faith community can do. Be sure to take a look at Churches Respond to Swine Flu.

You can also find a good link the CDC’s swine flu site from an earlier post on this blog.

Swine Flu

With the nation being brought to alert about Swine Flu, I wanted to share with my readers the website from the Centers for Disease Control which gives numerous links to additional information and prevention tips. Congregations are wonderful places to disseminate reliable health information. As public spaces, congregations must also be mindful of ways to minimize the potential spread of diseases such as Swine Flu.

You should also check out my more recent post on churches responding to swine flu.

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